What to Expect



Every Sunday morning between 9:45 and 10:00 we have a coffee and fellowship time. This is a great time of getting to know one another and having conversations about your hobbies, work, family, sports, and every other area of life.



Service typically begins with five contemporary worship songs. During that time many people will stand, sing, raise hands, and pray. Feel free to sit or stand during the music. At times we incorporate piano, electric guitar, drums, bass guitar, and acoustic guitar during our services.


Service runs from 10 a.m. until 11:15 or 11:30 a.m. After the music there is a time of announcements and then a three minute greeting time where people are encouraged to talk to one another and put their tithes and offering in the black box in the back of the sanctuary. To come back together we will show a short children’s video. After the video children will be dismissed to the lower level for a children’s program that usually includes snacks, crafts, and teaching from the Bible.

first time visitors

First time visitors will be asked to fill out a card with their name, phone, and e-mail. This is optional. When the visitor card is returned to the pastor, a $5 gift certificate to Dairy Queen will be given out.